For two Saturdays every April for the last six years, Bell staff with family and friends and in conjunction with staff from the law firm Wendel Rosen Black & Dean LLP, have volunteered for a labor of love — providing home repair and landscape cleanup for a stressed home in the community. This support is provided under the auspices of Rebuilding Together Oakland/East Bay (RTO), an organization which has, for over 20 years brought together low income homeowners and community volunteers to repair the homes of seniors and the disabled so they may continue to live in safety, comfort, and independence. This year the Bell/Wendel team will be involved with exterior painting, debris removal, porch and stairs repair, and possible ramp installation for a home in East Oakland.
Laurent Harrison, CFP®, Sr. Investment Advisor and Financial Planner at Bell, has served on the RTO Board of Directors for 5 1/2 years; Lauren Taylor, Operations Associate at Bell is serving a fourth year as coordinator of the Bell team; and Matt Graham of Wendel Rosen is serving once again as the Wendel/Bell house captain. In addition to the volunteer efforts of staff, both firms support RTO with regular financial contributions.
Find out more about the fine work and joys of participating with RTO at