Our Values
Founded on Trust
Professional, Personable, Communicative
As financial advisors, we realize the tremendous responsibility we accept with every client. For the benefit of our firm and our clients, we’ve created guiding principles that direct our decisions and actions at all times. These principles act as a guide for us to ensure we’re giving you the best experience and service possible.
The Bell Investment Advisors Purpose
To Improve Financial Futures, One Client at a Time
Our Values
Honor Your Promises
Rise to New Challenges
Be Kind
Commit to Client Success
Always Innovate
We Serve Our Clients with Full Transparency
As a registered investment advisory firm, we have a fiduciary responsibility. This means that we hold ourselves – and are legally held – to the highest standards of the law when it comes to safeguarding our clients’ best interests.
Our Investment Management services are offered on a fee-only basis. This means that our only compensation for Investment Management is a fee based on a percentage of the market value of your investments with us. We do not receive commissions on any investments or products we recommend or utilize in our investment strategy. This minimizes the potential for conflicts of interest. When you benefit from our investment management, we benefit; when you don’t, we don’t.
All of our client assets are held in trust by Charles Schwab & Co. The statements you receive from Bell Investment Advisors, and the independently-prepared statements you receive from Charles Schwab & Co., must agree with one another. This provides you with essential checks and balances to prevent any errors or fraudulent reporting in your account(s).
We believe that liquidity and flexibility are fundamental to effective money management. We maximize liquidity and flexibility by utilizing no-load mutual funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in the majority of our investment strategies.