Category: Finance

FinanceMarket Analysis

The Cost of Worry

Both bonds and stocks posted gains in May. A slight decline in interest rates combined with another month’s worth of ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

Happy Holidays

December serves as a reminder that it is often best to ignore market volatility. The market volatility that first appeared ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

The Economy vs. Interest Rates

Both U.S. stocks and U.S. bonds declined in October, falling by 2.3% and 1.3%, respectively. The magnitude of these losses ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

The Economy Continues to Look Good

July saw a continuation of the global stock market recovery that began last October. Both U.S. and developed international stock markets increased by about 3%. ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

Fed Skips Increase For Now

June was a good month for stock investors. Unlike earlier in the year when a few stocks drove nearly all the gains, June’s rally was ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

An Eleventh Hour Deal

While the stock market didn’t express outright enthusiasm about the debt ceiling negotiation, it also wasn’t dismayed. The global stock ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

Too Much of a Good Thing

Last month, we wrote about our hope that investors had finally shifted their focus away from the Federal Reserve and ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

A Bit of Optimism

Investors saw nice gains to start 2023 as both domestic and international stocks rose. Global small-cap stocks, in particular, stood out posting an increase of ...
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FinanceMarket Analysis

Inflation Falling

A year that began with losses ended the same way. After a strong November, December erased the prior month’s gains and sent stocks back to ...
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