Category: Blog

Career Coaching

What Do the Blue Zones Have to Do With You?

Even though daylight savings arrived way back on March 13, and the first day of spring on the 21st, it ...
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Career Coaching

Life Goes On…

With access to 24-hour technology comes 24-hour news, much of it highly stressful, even on the best of days, let ...
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Career Coaching

What’s Your Story?

There’s nothing like a death in the family to get everyone thinking and talking about life. My brother-in law – ...
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Career Coaching

The Story of Who You Actually Are (aka, The Resume)

Depending on your life situation as you read this, you may be surprised that I want to begin the “making ...
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Bonnie Bell’s Career and Life Coaching Blog – Now Live.

Bell Investment Advisors is proud to unveil its new Career and Life Coaching blog that promises to bring a unique ...
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Career Coaching

Making a Good Life Happen – The Blog

With the new year just a few days old, the atmosphere is thick with upbeat greetings and optimistic resolve. This ...
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Upcoming Webinar & Seminar scheduled for January 19, 2011: Asia in the Next Decade

Bell Investment Advisors will hold both an online webinar and an in-person seminar on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 on “Asia ...
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Jim and Bonnie Bell Making a Good Life Happen for Themselves: Teahouse for Two

Learn how Jim and Bonnie Bell made one of their long-held dreams come true, by building a teahouse in the ...
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Bell Investment Advisors Portfolio Manager Dana Nelson Wins Outstanding Student Award

OAKLAND, CA. May 6, 2010 – Bell Investment Advisors, Inc., announced today that Dana Nelson, the firm’s Portfolio Manager, has ...
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