Family First

Family First

As the year draws to a close, it is a “best practice” to look back at the goals we set at the beginning of the year, review what has been accomplished, and pay attention to what still needs to be done. This general concept applies to your personal life, your professional life, your family life, and to your finances, in order to create a better present and future.

One aspect of financial planning that should be included sooner rather than later, along with other financial concerns, is wealth transfer. A major question at the heart of this conversation is how to engage the next generation in the discussion. There are many benefits to this sometimes challenging conversation, including conveying an awareness of the family’s wealth and how to manage it; transmitting family values; learning about the importance of financial planning and investing and about relationships with professional advisors; and developing a deeper understanding of the family’s charitable impulses and intent.

On November 13, 2013, The Women’s Roundtable at Bell Investment Advisors will host an in-person wine and cheese gathering and facilitated conversation regarding the above matters. Marivic Hammond, Senior Investment Advisor at Bell will be joined by Melanie Hamburger, CEO of Catalytic Women, and guest experts in accounting and estate planning, plus registered guests. The gathering is designed to encourage such questions as:

  • How much is “too much” to leave to the next generation?
  • When is it appropriate to include younger children in wealth planning?
  • What is the “right” wealth transfer vehicle for you?
  • How does one strike a balance between transferring an adequate amount to the next generation while still honoring of your own charitable concerns and intent?
  • . . . as well as whatever questions are on your mind regarding financial planning, the family meeting with a focus on finance, wealth transfer, charitable giving, and any other questions that emerge during  your own small roundtable discussion or the larger group conversation.

We look forward to seeing you again, or for the first time, on November 13, 5:30 to 7 pm at our Oakland office. To RSVP or for more information, contact Jaye Roundtree at 510.433.1066, ext. 100 or

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