‘Tis the season. The holidays are a great time to experience the joy of giving to friends and family. It is also the time of the year when people opt for gifts that benefit the greater good.
For philanthropic and aspirational shoppers, there are plenty of gift options from companies that produce “sustainable products” (conservation of natural resources, sustainable farming) or products designed for “social good” (handmade products that support women and children in the developing world).
It used to be that values-based investing was exclusive to large private foundations and very affluent individuals. But our world is changing in dramatic ways, and there is a heightened global awareness. Investors and companies recognize that doing good and doing well financially should go hand-in-hand. People want to invest in companies with values and business practices that are congruent with their own. With a values-based objective, investors are willing to exchange financial benefits for the greater good.
In 2015, we will introduce a series on values-based investing. Our objective is to leverage our practice by seeking options for our clients who desire to align their personal values with their investment portfolio. We invite you to be part of this conversation.